
Amazing Stories From Ortho Doc – BionicOldGuy

I saw my new orthopedist for the first time today (my old one retired). I have amazing news: I have sciatica from behind me (not the hip, like the piriformis muscle). My back shows a lumbar disc and spinal stenosis, where the sciatic nerve exits on the left side. This condition is intermediate so under normal conditions the muscles are not bound. But anything that causes the disc can put pressure on the disc and cause sciatica. This explains why I got my first sciatica symptoms after exercising about a month ago. Then it calmed down after a few weeks, and I started exercising again. It also explains why the PT exercises I’ve been doing, which are the piriformis muscle and the SI joint, haven’t worked as well as they did before because they’re not directly targeting the lumbar spine. Right now they’ve started me on prednisone, which they think will do the trick because the sciatica is already so established. I am allowed to exercise, including riding my bike and PT exercises, as long as there is no sign of sciatica. I will start to increase the strength and come back as needed. I will also look into PT practices especially in the lumbar region there is a good place here). I want to strengthen the muscles in this area so that it doesn’t get damaged in the future.

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Written by grantguru01

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