
3-Day PPL Workout Routine For Beginners

PPL’s ​​three-day workout routine for beginners is a popular way to build strength, muscle, and core. This method focuses on certain muscle groups while allowing them enough time to recover by splitting the workouts into push, pull, and leg days. It is loved by beginners and busy people for its simplicity and efficiency.

Earlier, I shared a detailed post PPL fitness basicsexplaining why this exercise is so effective. If you do not know the basics of the PPL course, I recommend that you check this guide before starting the program.

In this article, I will dive deep and provide a three-day PPL workout plan that you can incorporate into your training routine.

3-Day PPL Workout Routine Overview

Push Pull Leg Breakdown Break down your training into the first three days:

  1. Push Day: Targets chest, shoulders, and triceps (kicking muscles).
  2. Drag the Day: Targets the back, hamstrings, biceps, and arms (pulling muscles).
  3. Leg Day: It prioritizes the lower body and core.

For example, you can do a push-up workout on Monday, a pull-up workout on Wednesday, and a leg workout on Friday. Then, you will repeat the cycle the following week. This method ensures consistent development and optimal recovery and ensures that each muscle group is properly targeted.

If you’ve never lifted weights before or don’t exercise, I recommend following along Robert of 2-week basics bodybuilding program for beginners.

3-Day PPL Workout Routine

PPL’s ​​3-day workout routine is designed for strength, hypertrophy, and recovery. All exercises are carefully selected to target each muscle group. Each day focuses on specific movements and muscle groups. Here is a 3-day PPL workout plan for beginners:

Day 1: Push Day – Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps

push day workout

Push Day is all about pushing movements that involve the upper body muscles.

Here is today’s workout:

  1. Bench Press 3 x 10-12
  2. Press on the Dumbbell Bench Press 3 x 10-12
  3. Pec Deck Fly (3 x 12)
  4. Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 x 10-12
  5. Lateral Lifting 3×12 pa
  6. Advance Promotion (if desired) 3 x 10-12
  7. Tricep Pushdown 4 x 10-12
  8. Dumbbell Kickbacks 4 x 10-12

Check out the workout for the rest day in the planner

Day 2: Pull Day – Back, Biceps, and Front

Pull a 3 day workout for ppl

Pull up day focuses on pulls that build the back chain and arms.

Here is today’s workout:

  1. Barbell Curl Up 3 x 10-12
  2. Lat Pulldown 3×12 pa
  3. Seated Cable Row 3×12 pa
  4. Back Delt Fly Machine 3×12 pa
  5. Barbell row 4 x 10-12
  6. DB Preacher Curl (if desired) 3 x 10-12
  7. Hammer Curl 4 x 10-12
  8. Wrist Curl 3×12 pa

Check out today’s workout in the planner

Day 3: Leg workout with Abb

Leg day builds strength and flexibility, which is essential to staying fit and active.

Here are some leg day exercises:

  1. Barbell Squat 3 x 10-12
  2. Bulgarian Split Squat 3 x 10-12
  3. Leg Curl 4×12 pa
  4. Barbell Hip Lift 3×12 pa
  5. Cow Raise 4×12 pa
  6. Crunches 3×15 on
  7. Say Stay-up 3×15 on

Check out the leg workout for the day in the planner

Is The Three Day PPL Method Effective?

For beginners, the 3-day Push-Pull-Legs (PPL) workout can be a great start to building strength, muscle, and a strong core. However, increasing muscle growth requires attention to training volume and frequency.

Research shows that the best training volume for muscle building is about 12-20 sets per muscle group per week. (1). With the PPL split of 3 days, you usually train a large muscle group once a week, which may not provide enough stimulation for proper growth.

For beginners, this program can be helpful in the beginning as it helps to lay a solid foundation and transition you to more advanced movements. However, for long-term progress, aiming to train each major muscle group twice a week is recommended (2). If you feel that the number of words is not enough, you can add the games that we have written choice.

While PPL’s ​​three-day split can help beginners gain confidence in the gym, those looking to get the most out of it over time may want to consider going to the gym. build the body or 6-day PPL Workoutallowing for increased volume and frequency.

Down Under

A 3-day PPL routine for beginners It’s a great way to reduce strength training by building a strong foundation. Consider adding light cardio and walking on rest days to maintain fitness and reduce the risk of injury. Be consistent, prioritize good form, and adjust weights to match your fitness level. Remember: Progress takes time, but with commitment, you will see results!

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Written by grantguru01

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